While I love to share my art and write to you about my process, the truth is I'm always hesitant when it comes to online promotions. I don't like to seem self serving and inauthentic.
Here are the questions I'm always asking myself:
How can I both forge authentic relationships and encourage sales. Are these goals mutually exclusive? Do I sacrifice genuine friendships if I also encourage sales? Which is more important; meaningful connections or art sales, and do I have to choose? If I had to choose, which would it be?The answer that helps me navigate the questions is:
Authenticity is what I value above all else. You could say it is my guiding light.
I'm not implying that I don’t sometimes fall short of it. I'm as insecure and unsure of myself as anyone and I believe this is what causes inauthenticity. But with authenticity as my rudder, please know that I’m being true to myself when I invite you to enjoy my art. Art, (mine and others'), is a very big part of who I am so I naturally include it in my bids for communication.
In getting to know my art you’re getting to know me, and that’s half of the equation in us building our authentic connection. The other half is you sharing yourself with me and that’s why I ask you to write and share your feedback, or anything else you think might help grow our connection. My blog entries are also available for comment and conversation for those who'd like to reach out on that platform in relation to what I’ve written about.
Thanks for being half of our friendship and staying on the path to authentic relationships with me. I strongly believe it's an essential ingredient for bringing more heartful presence and peace to our world.